JavaScript Keyboard Shortcuts: Execute functions when certain keys are pressed

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keyboard-bshortcuts 1.0GNU General Publi...1.0Events


This object can execute functions when certain keys are pressed.

It takes a given page element and listen to key press events.

The object can register different callback functions that will be called when specific keys are pressed inside the specified page element.

The object accepts combinations of CTRL, ALT and Shift keys.

The same callbacks can also be unregistered, so the object stops listening to the specified key presses.

Innovation Award
JavaScript Programming Innovation award winner
June 2015

Prize: One book of choice by Packt
In JavaScript it is easy to handle keyboard events. However, if you you want to handle different key events with different actions, you need to decode the keyboard events and dispatch the specific actions for each key.

This JavaScript object simplifies this process by assigning different callback functions to each of keys you need to handle its events.

Manuel Lemos
Picture of Everton da Rosa
  Performance   Level  
Name: Everton da Rosa <contact>
Classes: 7 packages by
Country: Brazil Brazil
Age: 43
All time rank: 506 in Brazil Brazil
Week rank: 6 Up1 in Brazil Brazil Up
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 3x

Winner: 3x


<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>KbShort :: Keyboard Shortcut for Webpages</title> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <script src="kbshort.js"></script> <script> window.addEventListener('load', function(evt){ var kbs = new KeyboardShort(window.document.body);//inicia um ouvinte de atalhos de teclado para toda a página kbs.register('F1', function(evt){ alert('F1 pressed!'); }); kbs.register('F2', function(evt){ alert('Control+F2 pressed!'); }, false, true); kbs.register('F3', function(evt){ alert('Alt+F3 pressed!'); }, true, false); var kbsi = new KeyboardShort(document.getElementById('test'));//inicia um ouvinte de atalhos de teclado para o campo de texto kbsi.register('F1', function(evt){ alert('F1 pressed for a text field!'); }); //diferencia maiúscuals e minúsculas kbs.register('q', function(evt){ alert('q pressed!'); }, false, false); kbs.register('Q', function(evt){ alert('Q (Shift+q) pressed!'); }, false, false); //remove global shortcut q kbs.register('R', function(evt){ kbs.unregister('q'); }, false, false); }); </script> </head> <body> <h3>Global shortcuts</h3> <p>These shortcuts work anywhere on the page.</p> <ul> <li>F1</li> <li>Control+F2</li> <li>Alt+F3</li> <li>q</li> <li>Q</li> </ul> <h3>Shortcuts for elements</h3> <p>You can assign keyboard shortcuts to be fired only when the focus is on specific elements.</p> <input id="test" size="40" placeholder="Clique neste campo e pressione F1"> <h3>Removing shortcuts</h3> <p>You can remove previously assigned keyboard shortcuts.</p> <p>Press R (Shift + r) to remove q global shortcut.</p> </body> </html>

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Plain text file kbshort.js Class Main class file

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