File: assets/EXAMPLEs/rsLIB.js

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File: assets/EXAMPLEs/rsLIB.js
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Example script
Class: rsLIB
Load JavaScript and CSS using AJAX requests
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Last change: Update of assets/EXAMPLEs/rsLIB.js
Date: 2 years ago
Size: 11,851 bytes


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/* * File autoLoader for javascript Libraries (multi-scripts). * copyright @ 2015 - Juan José Guerra Haba <> * License: Free. GPL.v3 * * 'rsLIB' o RSLIB is an acronym for 'require async library' and a scripts library autoloader. It loads Scripts (js, json, ...) and * even style sheets (CSS). Returns a 'rsLIB' object with a 'onComplete (..)' event to pass a callback function. You only need to use * it if you do use a resource immediately (variable, method, object ...) from library. * An options object embedded within the label 'script' call to this charger is expected with the terms: * - NameLIB: name of the library to load * - PathToLIB: path (relative or absolute) to the library directory with respect to html caller. * - Scripts: An array with the path relative to each script file you want to load. The last element of the array will not be * charged, which is only indicates the main on which to launch the 'onComplete (..)' method. * The call in the HTML Head might be: * <script id="rsLIB_ID" class="rsLIB_CLASS" type="text/javascript" src="./scripts/rsLIB.js"> * { * nameLIB: "PolyArea", * pathToLIB: "./scripts/PolyArea/", * scripts: ["./scripts/PolyArea/PolyArea.js", * "./scripts/PolyArea/css/polyArea.css", * "./scripts/PolyArea/PolyArea.js"] //The latter will not be charged, only determines the event 'onComplete (..)' * } * </script> * OOP Filosofy and Closures, ECMASCRIPT-6 features such as "use-strict" * IMPROVEMENTS: Although it uses internally 'eval' in a controlled manner on these updates will be studied how to replace 'eval' * to 'JSON.parse' or 'JSON.stringify' */ /** ASYNC REQUIRE LIBRARY :: INSERT THE LINKED-SCRIPTS PARAMETERS IN THE HEAD SYNCHRONOUSLY, BUT WITHOUT AJAX. * It create a loader object (global 'rsLIB' variable ) with an anonymous loader function and as members: * - Options: the complete object detected as embedded options. * - LIB name: name of the library to load. * - PathToLIB: the path to the library, based on the situation of HTML caller. * - Scripts: the array of scripts to load the library. * - Get: get properties of embedded object. * - Isset: utility method to check whether a variable is undefined. * - OnComplete (..): The method that can be passed a callback 'function as the only parameter. * Import dynamically (albeit unorthodox) the all library 'assets' , it inserting (if not previously existed) after * the label linked with this file (rsLIB.js) in the 'head'. It work synchronously, that is, they must wait until * they are loaded and interpreted to use them immediately. * If so required (immediately) because some variable or function defined in scripts is used, * should work within * the event 'onComplete ()' through a function callback ', for example: * rsLIB.onComplete( function(){ * //code to execute when the scripts are loaded. * } ); */ var rsLIB = (function(){ "use-strict"; //Configurable static variables (SEMI-CONSTANT). It affects to elements IDs and classes, and labels DOM scripts var RSLIB_NAME = "rsLIB"; var RSLIB_FILE = RSLIB_NAME + ".js"; var RSLIB_ID = RSLIB_NAME + "_ID"; var RSLIB_CLASS = RSLIB_NAME + "_CLASS"; //variables and methods inner private /** An options object embedded within the label 'script' call to this charger is expected with the terms: * - NameLIB: name of the library to load * - PathToLIB: path (relative or absolute) to the library directory with respect to html caller. * - Scripts: An array with the path relative to each script file you want to load. The last element of the array will not be * charged, which is only indicates the main on which to launch the 'onComplete (..)' method. */ var _options = eval("("+RSLIB_getThisScript().innerHTML+")"); //ATENCIÓN: DEBE SER UN OBJETO O NO SURTIRÁ EFECTO //var _options = JSON.parse((RSLIB_getThisScript().innerHTML));//JSON.stringify /** External function in the 'onComplete' event to host the code that need immediacy and well make sure the scripts are loaded. */ var _callback=null; /** It is the couple of callback, depending on the state of the callback is _ready or do not. This is achieved with no gap between * the charging phase of script and execution callback. */ var _ready=false; /** Event employee for pass an external callback function to be executed upon completion of the loaded library. * This can be useful if, for example, you want to immediately use a resource (variable, object, method, ...) * defined in the library. This should be done within the 'callback' function as incorporating the various scripts * in Head of a synchronous load page 'modifies the flow execution javascript ' occurs due to the DOM modification, * it can (depending on the browser) run the last library scripts. */ function RSLIB_onComplete(callback){ /* ... Include here the event or use externally as a callback() function; ... */ _callback = callback; if(_ready){ _callback(); } } /** Public utility function to check if there is a variable, if it has been defined. You must pass the 'typeof' of the * Variable, not the variable itself. For example: alert (RSLIB.requireIsset (typeof unknown_variable)); */ function RSLIB_isset(typeOfvar){ return (typeOfvar.toUpperCase() !== "UNDEFINED"); } /** Utility function to get object properties of embedded options. */ function RSLIB_get(prop, defaultValue){ return (_options && _options[prop]) ? _options[prop] : defaultValue; } /** Internal utility function to take as NODE object, this script file; */ function RSLIB_getThisScript(){ //DETECT THIS FILE (rsLIB.js) AS A SCRIPT-NODE LINKED IN THE HEAD //FIRST THINGS LOOK FOR YOUR ID var requireScript=document.getElementById(RSLIB_ID); if(requireScript){ return requireScript; } //IF NOT FOUND, LOOK FOR HIS CLASS var requireHead = (document.head || document.documentElement || document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0] || document.querySelector("head")); var requireScripts = requireHead.getElementsByTagName("script"); var requireScript; for(var i=0; i<requireScripts.length; i++){ if( requireScripts[i].className === RSLIB_CLASS ){ requireScript=requireScripts[i]; break; } } if(requireScript){ return requireScript; } //IF NOT FOUND, LOOKING FOR HIS FILE NAME for(var i=0; i<requireScripts.length; i++){ if( requireScripts[i].src.indexOf(RSLIB_FILE) > -1 ){ requireScript=requireScripts[i]; break; } } return requireScript; } //DYNAMIC LOAD FOR HEAD-HTML SCRIPTS. THE DETECTED OPTIONS IN SCRIPT-NODE CALLER FOR THIS FILE (function RSLIB_loadSyncScripts (options){ //IT CHECKS BASIC OPTIONS AND IT ASSIGNS DEFAULT PROPERTY (IF NOT FOUND) options["scripts"]=RSLIB_get("scripts", []); options["nameLIB"]=RSLIB_get("nameLIB", ""); options["pathToLIB"]=RSLIB_get("pathToLIB", "./"); //THE LAST ELEMENT DOES NOT LOAD, BUT IT DEFINED IN 'onComplete()' EVENT. var _scriptCompleted = options.scripts.pop(); options.scripts = options.scripts.reverse(); //THE LAST SHALL BE FIRST IN THE KINGDOM OF GOD //FOR EACH SCRIPT for(var i=0; i<options.scripts.length; i++){ if(!options.scripts[i]) { continue; } var tipo= options.scripts[i].split(".").pop(); var nombreExt= (options.scripts[i].indexOf("\\")>-1) ? options.scripts[i].split("\\").pop() : options.scripts[i].split("/").pop(); nombreExt = nombreExt.replace("\\", "-").replace("/", "-"); //BUILD SCRIPT var nodoScript; switch(tipo.toLowerCase()){ case "css": nodoScript = document.createElement("link"); nodoScript.setAttribute("type", "text/css"); //setAttribute("type", "text/css"); nodoScript.setAttribute("rel", "stylesheet"); nodoScript.setAttribute("media", "screen"); nodoScript.setAttribute("href", options.scripts[i]); break; case "js": default: //also "json" nodoScript = document.createElement("script"); nodoScript.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript"); nodoScript.setAttribute("src", options.scripts[i]); } nodoScript.setAttribute("id", nombreExt); nodoScript.setAttribute("class", RSLIB_NAME + "_" + options.nameLIB); if(options.scripts[i] === _scriptCompleted){ if (nodoScript.readyState) { // IE nodoScript.onreadystatechange = function () { if (nodoScript.readyState === 'loaded' || nodoScript.readyState === 'complete') { nodoScript.onreadystatechange = null; if(_callback){ _callback(); //onComplete(); } else { _ready=true; } } }; } else { // Others nodoScript.onload = function() { if(_callback){ _callback(); //onComplete(); } else { _ready=true; } }; } } //THIS FILE IS DETECTED (zLIB.js) AS A SCRIPT-NODE LINKED IN SECTION HTML-HEAD var requireHead = (document.head || document.documentElement || document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0] || document.querySelector("head")); var requireScripts = requireHead.getElementsByTagName("script"); var requireScript; var insertar = true; for(var j=0; j<requireScripts.length; j++){ if(requireScripts[j].src === options.scripts[i]) { insertar = false; break; } if( (requireScripts[j].id === RSLIB_ID) || (requireScripts[j].className === RSLIB_CLASS) || (requireScripts[j].src.indexOf(RSLIB_FILE) > -1) ){ requireScript=requireScripts[j]; //break; } } //IT IS INSERTED (if not previously existed) AFTER THIS LINKED FILE (rsLIB.js) IN THE SECTION HTML-HEAD if(insertar) { requireHead.insertBefore(nodoScript, requireScript.nextSibling); } } //IS REPOSITIONED AS THEY WERE options.scripts = options.scripts.reverse(); //IT MAKES TRAILS DELETED FOR ALL CONFIGURATION OPTIONS RSLIB_getThisScript().innerHTML=""; })(_options); //PUBLIC API return { /** It is an options object embedded within the label 'script' call to this charger is expected with the terms: * - NameLIB: name of the library to load * - PathToLIB: path (relative or absolute) to the library directory with respect to html caller. * - Scripts: An array with the path relative to each script file you want to load. The last element of the array will not be * charged, which is only indicates the main on which to launch the 'onComplete (..)' method. */ options: _options, /** Name of the library to load */ nameLIB: RSLIB_get("nameLIB", ""), /** Path to the library directory with respect to html caller. */ pathToLIB: RSLIB_get("pathToLIB", "./"), /** Scripts to dynamic load for the loader function. They should contain the relative path. * WARNING: THE LAST ELEMENT NOT BE CHARGED, WHICH IS ONLY INDICATES THE MAIN ON WHICH TO LAUNCH THE 'onComplete(..)' EVENT. */ scripts: RSLIB_get("scripts", []), /** Utility function to get a property of embedded options object. */ get: RSLIB_get, /** Public utility function to check if there is a variable, if it has been defined. You must pass the 'typeof' of the * Variable, not the variable itself. For example: alert (RSLIB.requireIsset (typeof unknown_variable)); */ isset : RSLIB_isset, /** Event employee for pass an external callback function to be executed upon completion of the loaded library. * This can be useful if, for example, you want to immediately use a resource (variable, object, method, ...) * defined in the library. This should be done within the 'callback' function as incorporating the various scripts * in Head of a synchronous load page 'modifies the flow execution javascript ' occurs due to the DOM modification, * it can (depending on the browser) run the last library scripts. */ onComplete: RSLIB_onComplete } })(); //document.normalize();