File: texts.php

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File: texts.php
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: JS side menu handler
Manage hierarchical menus of HTML content sections
Author: By
Last change: Update of texts.php
Date: 2 years ago
Size: 3,419 bytes


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<?php /* * multilingual texts class * * @package System * @author Vallo Reima * @copyright (C)2012 */ class Texts { const LNG = 'en'; /* default language */ public $lng; /* current language */ private $txts = array(/* texts */ 'err' => array( 'ext' => 'PDO extension is missing', 'dbn' => 'Database is missing', 'dbl' => "Can't connect the database", 'sql' => "Can't import the texts", 'dbq' => "Can't access the table", 'rlt' => "Can't read the texts", 'lng' => 'Unknown language'), 'msg' => array('und' => 'Undefined') ); public function __construct($dbn, $lng = self::LNG) /* * open vocabulary * in: dbn -- database name * lng -- text's language * */ { list($dbl, $err) = $this->Open('sqlite', $dbn); if ($err == '') { $dbq = $dbl->prepare('SELECT ALL * FROM texts'); if ($dbq && $dbq->execute()) { $rlt = $dbq->fetch(); if ($rlt) { $err = $this->Read($dbq, $rlt, (string) $lng); } else { $err = 'rlt'; } } else { $err = 'dbq'; } } $this->txts['msg']['_err'] = empty($err) ? '' : $this->txts['err'][$err]; $dbq = null; $dbl = null; } private function Open($dbk, $dbn) /* * open/create the texts database * in: dbk -- database kind * dbn -- database name * out: [database link, error token] */ { $lnk = null; $err = ''; $f = file_exists("$dbn.db"); if (!extension_loaded("pdo_$dbk")) { $err = 'ext'; } else if (!$f && !file_exists("$dbn.sql")) { $err = 'dbn'; } else { try { $lnk = new PDO("$dbk:$dbn.db", '', '', array(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE => PDO::ERRMODE_SILENT, PDO::ATTR_DEFAULT_FETCH_MODE => PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)); } catch (PDOException $err) { $err = 'dbl'; } } if ($err == '' && !$f) { $f = @file_get_contents("$dbn.sql"); if (!$f || !$lnk->exec($f)) { $err = 'sql'; } } return array($lnk, $err); } private function Read($dbq, $rlt, $lng) /* * load the language-dependent texts * in: dbq -- query object * rlt -- 1st row * lng -- language token */ { if (empty($lng)) { $lng = self::LNG; } if (array_key_exists($lng, $rlt) && array_key_exists(self::LNG, $rlt)) { do { if (is_null($rlt[$lng])) { $rlt[$lng] = $rlt[self::LNG]; } if (empty($rlt['type'])) { $this->txts['msg'][$rlt['code']] = $rlt[$lng]; } else { $this->txts[$rlt['type']][$rlt['code']] = $rlt[$lng]; } $rlt = $dbq->fetch(); } while ($rlt); $this->lng = $lng; } else { $this->lng = null; } return $this->lng ? '' : 'lng'; } public function __get($code) /* * get text by the code */ { if (isset($this->txts[$code])) { $c = $this->txts[$code]; } else if (isset($this->txts['msg'][$code])) { $c = $this->txts['msg'][$code]; } else { $c = $this->txts['msg']['und']; } return $c; } public function __isset($code) { return true; } public function __set($code, $text) { if (gettype($text) == 'string') { $this->txts['msg'][$code] = $text; } else { $this->{$code} = $text; } } } ?>